This month’s quarterly meeting held many surprises that greatly impact our Boerne community!

Boerne 100

We kicked things off with the exciting launch of Boerne 100, a men’s group echoing the community spirit and philanthropic drive of the 100 Women of the Hill Country. Their mission is straightforward yet profound: to unite men driven by a passion for service, offering them a tangible way to contribute to our local community’s well-being. Register now if you’re eager to join this movement—spaces are limited to 100!

The Nonprofits

The meeting also shone a spotlight on three local nonprofits, each playing a unique role in enriching our community:

We are thrilled to announce Texas Burn Survivors as the recipient of this quarter’s grant of $20,500, supporting their invaluable work in our community.

We celebrated a milestone for 100 Women of the Hill Country, having donated over $205,000 to local causes. This achievement marks our collective impact and the power of unity.

Responding to our members’ feedback, we introduced the 100 Hearts Award. This award extends financial support to Boerne Reads and Rustic Ranch, bolstering their remarkable efforts in our community.

A big “Thank You” to Melissa Ashley photography for capturing our event through photography!

Boerne Community

I’m proud to join this generous group of women and sponsors in making our shared goals possible. For more insights into 100 Women of the Hill Country, you can read about our last meeting HERE. Together, we are making meaningful change in our community. If the mission of 100 Women of the Hill Country or these nonprofits resonates with you, feel free to contact me! I’m always eager to facilitate connections and help you get involved in our community. Consider reaching out to these nonprofits directly to explore how you could be a part of their meaningful mission.